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Class Excercise - Discuss : What does the term narrative involve?
It involves events, experiences, points of view

- A movie, a book, an article, a podcast, a song, a poem, a sentence.
- Ideas, Action, a drawing, a photograph, an object (a monument)
- A memory (predisposition/judgement upon comparison)It involves events, experiences, points of view

A narrative can touch on senses:
audible (voice over, telling a personal story, through music,...)
without words, just creating an athmosphere
emotionally involve the audience
if verbal: constructed with language

It always involves a wistful memory of times that now seem better or simpler. A nostalgic feeling can involve home and family, but it can also involve a longing for long-gone moments. Even beloved things, such as old TV shows or athletes from a different era may provoke the feeling of nostalgia.

Idea: collective drawing/ painting (sort of cadavre exquis) of how individual people are feeling
questions to ask: (interviews)
how does stress effect your body? and what is an organ that is most sensitive?(example: for Julia, the stomach is most sensitive to stress and emotions, to Eva it's the bladder)
personal experiences: ask personal situation or story where the body reacts in a certain way to protect itself? (example: fainting, puking, etc)
short survey: every body has a story. what's yours?
Combining information gained trough research & including it in the map
idea: drawing of a body and filling it with a pattern made from other people's drawings: what makes us human? all our emotions, experiences, etc
collective drawing (sort of a cadavre exquis)
What do we want to represent? (goal)
analyse and explain human self- awareness and what distinguishes us as humans (what makes us human)
body mapping, mind mappin
New survey question (to collect sketches & doodles):

Can you think of a memory that had an impact on your life and contributed to who you are today? (can be a good or bad memory)
Is it linked to a body part?

Can you sketch/ doodle how you feel about that memory? You can be as abstract as you like!
A conversation we had in class :
How do we feel we are human?
Mapping and digging:
body map as a visual archive to show people's connections, through experiences and the different routes people's lives can take while still sharing so much with each other

The most basic way to understand palm reading is through four main lines that every hand has. While a number of lines likely traverse your palms, it’s the following four that pro readers pay attention to the most:

Heart line: Located at the top of the hand; indicates your emotional state
Head line: Located below heart line, at the center of your hand; indicates mentality
Life line: Located under heart line, goes around your thumb indicates vitality
Line of stability (also known as your Fate line): Comes up through the center of the hand, starting at the bottom of your palm and running toward your middle finger; indicates how you feel about the life you create
“The overall shape of a line whether it’s curved or straight, says how flexible that part of you is,” says Saucedo, who also authored Handful of Stars: A Palmistry Guidebook and Hand-Printing Kit. For example, if you have a very curved heart line that looks like a half circle, Saucedo says that would indicate a very nurturing, open, and emotional nature. If your heart line is straight, then you might be a bit more guarded or self-preserved about your emotions.

Survey responses:

sketching what we feel when listening to a songs we resonate with:

- collect textures
- scans of people's drawings? sketches
- lines of life (that meet or don't meet)
- nostalgia photos (from email) with small stories behind it
- scan our own hands (use wrinkles and lines of it for our collage)
- tattoos